First United Methodist Church of Rice Lake
Welcome To Our Worship Services

Sunday Service Times
Rice Lake at 10:30 A.M or Canton Service at 9:00 A.M.
We hope to see you there!
Ways to Access Worship Services from Home:
- Watch it on Facebook at 10:30 am. It will be streamed on the church’s page
- Phone-in service: call toll-free 1-855-788-3919 it will ask if you want to be called when First UMC goes live, you hit the #1 key and then wait for the service to come on. The following week it will call you when service starts. It also gives you the option to opt out of the automatic calling anytime. You can also listen to previous services. Current Sunday services might not post until noon.
- YouTube: search for First UMC of Rice Lake Media and go to Videos or copy and paste this link or just click on it: Services will be available the following Monday.
When we are together:
Adult Sunday School | 9:00 AM |
Sunday Worship Service | 10:30 AM |
Children’s Sunday School | TBD |
Nursery During Worship | Available upon request |
How to reach us:
Jess De Los Santos
Parsonage #: 715-434-2058
Cell Phone: 1-757-761-2735
Stephanie Byrnes-Hampton
Office Manager
Office #: 715-234-3919
How to find us:
We are located at 1221 Wesley Drive in Rice Lake. Look for us just north of the swimming pool, up the hill behind the high school, and just down the road from Hilltop. There is a water tower nearby.
Canton is about 6 miles east of Cameron on Highway 8 towards Ladysmith, take a left at County Rd M and the first left into Canton, veer right after the railroad tracks. Follow the copper steeple you can see through the trees.