The Committee of the Month
Committee of the Month is a group of volunteers who serve coffee and treats before services, serve on special occasions as well as help prepare and serve funeral luncheons. Each month has its own group of people with new chairpeople (*).
Prayer Tree
If you or someone you know is hospitalized, injured, sick or just in need of some extra prayers, call the office (715-234-3919) and we’ll get the ball rolling. Each person in the prayer tree will call the next in line and so on. We also have an email prayer group- if you would like to be added to that please email Pastor Sue at .
Prayer Partners
As a Prayer Partner, you are given the name of a person to hold in prayer for the next year. If you like, you can send cards or remember your partner in other ways at various times. The names of the Prayer Partners are revealed in May. That’s when the participants find out who has been praying for them and remembering them with cards or small gifts through out the year. All members and friends are then invited to share in sundaes after service. People of all ages are invited to participate. Sign-up Prayer Partner will be in June.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Prayer shawls are made by members and friends of First United Methodist Church in Rice Lake, WI as a gift of love to the recipient. The shawl is meant to symbolize the love and embrace of God. Each shawl has been lovingly made and prayed over and those who receive the shawls continue to be held in prayer. It is hoped that the use of this prayer shawl will bring comfort and blessing. Please call the church office at 715-234-3919 if you know of someone who could use one.
. . . the steadfast love of the Lord endures forever.
Psalm 107:1